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Marc Jacobs, Diet Coke

After Karl Lagerfeld and Jean Paul Gaultier, Marc Jacobs will be the new creative director for Diet Coke with a provocative and sexy campaign

Marc Jacobs, Diet Coke

After Karl Lagerfeld and Jean Paul Gaultier, Marc Jacobs will be the new creative director for Diet Coke. The drink turns 30 years and will be task of Jacobs to redesign the famous silvery cans and the bottles, in a limited edition that will be available in 11 countries.

For the campaign “Sparlinkg Together For 30 Years” was also filmed a commercial that reflects the most famous advertising of Diet Coke from 1996. Do you remember the bored secretaries, at 11.30, would meet at the window of their office to admire the builders across the street, half-naked, intent on drinking their Diet Coke? This time, on the same notes of “I Just Wanna Make Love To You” by Etta James, a group of three girls come across one of those snapshots’ machine at the station: the developed pictures, are, as then, so exciting and (apparently only the opening of the tent), the girls realize that it’s Marc Jacobs.

So, now we have only to wait for the new models of cans and bottles in a month or so.

Marc Jacobs, Diet Coke

Marc Jacobs, Diet Coke

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