Today has officially been a year since I opened Guy Overboard. Happy Birthday! I thank all those who read or comment on my posts: only in this way I have the opportunity to confront, speak my mind and listen to boys and girls who are attracted to this world so fascinating. My relationship with the fashion was already alive when I lived in Naples, but I never noticed his “strength” until I moved to Rome. Here I could not find people to share this passion: Guy Overboard was born from this need. Obviously, the potential of Internet is huge and from looking for “fashionistas” in Rome at the end I found people from all over Italy and many parts of the world. I had the opportunity to attend events, work with the brand. I understand in first person, as a professional communication, how could be powerful the blogging communication.
Even today, however, I don’t know what a fashion blogger is. I think we often confuse the fashion blogger with the fashion journalist or stylist (or the designer). These are professionals who create fashion (in the form of topics, combinations or objects). The fashion blogger should? I don’t know. I believe, however, that the potential of fashion bloggers is sharing and commenting (understood as “post”). The fashion blogging is born with the Internet and the Internet has the potential of multimedia (which does not have the print media). And that is what we should aim for. I think it is more correct than those who want to write about fashion have to study and make mess to be a journalist, not a fashion blogger. Who wants to deal with styling have to make a school, an university, and ranks to become one. If you decide instead to play one of these professions through the fashion blogging is all wrong. Primarily because you don’t recognize the fashion blogger an independent role (but only a part of way) and then the fashion bloggers will always be seen as something superfluous and unnecessary. And secondly because you’re looking for a shortcut instead of facing the world of professional, made in the ranks, many not, many “this is not good.” In short, the real world. Surely everyone defines their added value in fashion blogging, but in my opinion “trespassing” into something that already belongs to other workplaces upset the figure, creating a confusion that certainly does not help to fashion blogging.
I’m still trying to understand why Guy Overboard should exist, what could ever serve. So I dedicate this birthday to this: to the projects you don’t know the purpose, but you carry on with the same respect as those who you know the goal.