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Botero’s nostalgia in the exhibition at Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome

Until August 27, Complesso del Vittoriano hosts the first great retrospective of Botero's work in Italy, with a careful selection of 50 works

mostra botero roma vittoriano

Until August 27, Complesso del Vittoriano hosts the first great retrospective of Botero’s work in Italy, with a careful selection of 50 works ranging from the various themes that the artist faces over the years.

According to this point view it must be seen the apparently austere portraits, the naked bodies without malice, the dead natures where the concept of abundance becomes sweetness of the shapes, the circus world, the re-enactment of the ancient Masters, religion, the world of politics and the scenes of everyday life in Latin America filtered by the imagination and the nostalgic desire of a lost world that captures the attention and the hearts of everyone.

mostra botero roma vittoriano

Who is Botero

The great Colombian master, considered one of the most representative artists of contemporary art, is famous around the world for his unmistakable pictorial language, characterized by an immediately recognizable stylist figure. The emblems of Botero’s poetics are the abundant shapes, especially feminine, characterized by a redundant and original language that accentuates volume and three-dimensional plasticity. Botero dilates the shapes: men, objects and landscapes acquire unusual, seemingly unreal dimensions and large volumes create that sensuality that gives pleasure to pur eyes. This dilation is also useful in understanding the importance of color, laid in large nd uniform backgrounds, without contours and shading.

mostra botero roma vittoriano

The works of Botero

Apolid and yet tied to the culture of his land, Botero has for many decades anticipated the current global vision of an art without fences or boundaries: it can be read and appreciated anywhere and at any time. You can appreciate the constant appeal to Classicism in an absolutely contemporary vision that includes politics and society in reflection.

The works of Botero use a perfect balance between shapes, concepts and nostalgia. The shapes have to conquer the spaces; the concepts find the right translation in the results expressed on the canvas; nostalgia is a remarkable added value because it transfers the fabulous climate of stories told in the lost dream of childhood and because it is the magical recovery of a lost landscape with the ignorance of innocence.

mostra botero roma vittoriano

Informations about exhibition

from May 5th to August 27th
open: 9:30 – 19:30 (friday and saturday 22.00 – sunday 20.30)

Full € 12,00 (comprensivo di audioguida)
Concession € 10,00 (comprensivo di audioguida)

Complesso del Vittoriano

mostra botero roma vittoriano

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