Everyone in life experienced the idea that changing our body things would change too. Not only that our body would have been different, but WE would have been different and other people would have judged us differently
And every time, looking in the mirror, we analyzed each part of our body and its change, we translated all this into personal successes or, mostly, failures
We judged ourselves harder than anyone
At this point the only option left was to learn to shut up our inner criticism. But this didn’t improve the situation because negative thoughts are part of us
How can we learn to respect our body?
There is a simple rule: no longer associate our body shape with personal and moral values
If you have a big belly looking in the mirror and you would like to criticize it because it is so different from six pack, remember that there is nothing wrong having that belly at this moment in your life. Being flat is not the only way bellies exist. And all the signs tell the story of what that belly and that body went through
This doesn’t mean that, looking in the mirror, you will love yourself more. That you will decide that your belly will remain that way forever. You will simply have the freedom not to allow body thoughts to rule your life or precious spaces of your mind
You will reformulate your thoughts, learning to respect your body, regardless of its image