Charcoal is the most widely used ingredient in skin care right now. This magical ingredient became so famous because it’s what is closest to a natural detoxifying product for the face: vegetable charcoal in fact captures dirt and oil from the surface of the pores leaving the skin cleaner.
Charcoal face masks
For this reason the first products that were created based on charcoal were face masks. Remember the craze of those videos on Instagram that showed completely black faces? It was mainly peel-off masks – that is, solidifying, they were raised from the face (bringing with it all the impurities of the face).
However, many tragicomic videos were also born because, as always happens, in the fashion race of the moment many of these masks created more problems than benefits! When the masks were literally torn off the face, they removed the cells from the outer layer of the skin and all the hairs. With so much pain.
Magnetic Charcoal Mask by Carbon Coco
To overcome this problem, Carbon Coco – Australian brand that has been involved in the use of activated charcoal for dental products for many years – has created the first Magnetic Charcoal Mask!
I know, it sounds magical thinking about a mask that it can be removed with a magnet. Yet this mask is able to soothe and effectively cleanse the skin, eliminating impurities and leaving the skin fresh, but without the stress of cleaning your face well or be careful when removing it.
The Carbon Coco kit contains, in addition to the cream mask, an applicator to spread it and the magnet (with different spare disks) able to remove it.
Ready for the magic?