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Zaful, Vintage Scissor Cuff Bracelet

The cuff bracelet has an ancient history, but today it is combined with symbols that can make it a modern accessory, such as the bracelet scissor

vintage scissor cuff bracelet, bracciale a forma di forbice uomo, zaful, fashion blogger uomo roma

It’s not a coincidence that the cuff bracelet has adorned the wrists of some of the most interesting men throughout history. The style of this bracelet, typically characterized by a rigid and open semicircle that slips over the wrist, is traced back to thousands of years ago, making appearances in ancient cultures around the world.

Egyptians often decorated cuff bracelets with precious stones inside and inscribing hieroglyphics. The Mayans wore metal ones to indicate their rank and their families. And in Ancient Greece the cuff bracelet made appearance on both wrists and arms as a protective element by the warriors.

The cuff bracelet today: Vintage Scissor Bracelet

Of course, there’s no need to go to war to wear this style with an impressive history. Today cuff bracelet have plummeted and have been combined with a variety of symbols that can make it a really modern accessory, like the Vintage Scissor Cuff Bracelet by Zaful that you can see in this post.

The use of a symbol as scissors is linked to its strong symbolic meaning to cut/chop. Just remember that in Roman mythology, the oldest of the Fates, Atropos, was who severed the thread of destiny of every man.

A magical antiquity accessory that modernity has not erased.

vintage scissor cuff bracelet, bracciale a forma di forbice uomo, zaful, fashion blogger uomo roma

vintage scissor cuff bracelet, bracciale a forma di forbice uomo, zaful, fashion blogger uomo roma

vintage scissor cuff bracelet, bracciale a forma di forbice uomo, zaful, fashion blogger uomo roma

vintage scissor cuff bracelet, bracciale a forma di forbice uomo, zaful, fashion blogger uomo roma

vintage scissor cuff bracelet, bracciale a forma di forbice uomo, zaful, fashion blogger uomo roma

Bracelet: ZAFUL | Photo: Giacinto Mozzetta

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